The Greatest Show consists of about one hundred and twenty the underlined names and meet some of them: (some have sound clips requiring Quicktime3)

Sam Galuppi** The Black and White Magicians** Ariadne** Faust Pinto** Julie November** The Zen Master** Thaddeus J. McGuire** Felix Mendelssohn** Beethoven the Cat** Hermann Geiger-Torell** Chief Sam Padoopi** Little Bobby Cooper** The Reverend Rabindranath LeMeul** Edward La Chasse** Adrienne and Mr. K** The Four Wizards** Ababba Gimshiharbini** Sass Boomga, Ron Muck, Glen Frever** Daisy Bucktrout** The Brass Quintet** The Minotaur** The Four Vaudevillians** Le Count Charlie** Jonquil Phippy** Mohammedan Sahib Allah Shah** Amadeus Nagytoth-Toth** Bold Slasher** Lucy Van Triste** The Morris Dancers** Irmtraut Sprunken** Mr. Daedalus** Zip the Idiot** The Buskers** Biff the balloon Man** Massimo Quigg** Maurice Ayoub and Sappho Silikens** H. Showell Stools** Arturo Schitzlip** Lotfi Zooma** Two Deaf Mutes** Bubbles Baird, Carmen Charisma and the Penny Girl** Nellie Frencheater** Charlie Cherepnin** Toopeni Baba** Miguel Curtsey** Norbert Pivnick** Dunk the Minotaur** Giuseppe Macerollo** La Testa d'Adriane** Johnny Mailloux** Little Tom Thumb** Madame Isis** Semiramis** Zoltan** Damian** The Golem** The Dog-Faced Boy** Illich P. Vogler** Kelsey Winkler** Fifi Zutalors** Tycho de Brahe** Estrella the Phantom Flautist** Aram Smish** Mercedes Jardine** Henry Judah Treese** Cecil Blish** The Heads of Edmund Gosse, The Bishop of Sydney, Napoleon Bonaparte and Friedrich Nietzsche** David S. Bundler** Katchen von Heilbrum** Rodney Livermash Bashford** Percival Schops** Handsome Hal** Beauty** The String Quartet** Dr. Ovid Klein** Purple Theatre storyteller** Harpist** Madame Shelora Guidobaldo del Monte** Professor Earnest Beauty** Professor Max Dorb** R. Murray Schafer**"