227 Douro First Line
Douro-Dummer, Ontario
KOL 2B0, Canada
Brébeuf |
Duration: 30 minutes |
A cantata for baritone and orchestra
3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno, hp, celesta, perc,
Study score $50.00 order |
Canzone for Prisoners |
Duration: 18 minutes |
3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno(celesta), hp, perc,
str. |
Study score $40.00 order |
Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra |
Duration: 25 minutes |
Commissioned by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra 3-2-2-2/2-2-2-0/perc,
str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Accordion solo $30.00 order |
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra |
Duration: 25 minutes |
Commissioned by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra
(celesta), hp, perc, str.
piano/flute reduction available from Rachel Howie (rachel.howie28@gmail.com) |
Study score $80.00 order
Flute solo $30.00 order |
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra |
Duration: 23 minutes |
Commissioned by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra 2-1-2-1/1-0-0-0/perc,
str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Guitar solo $30.00 order |
Concerto for Harp and Orchestra |
Duration: 28 minutes |
Commissioned by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra 3-2-2-2/4-2-2-1/pno
(celesta), perc, str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Harp solo $35.00 order
Harp and piano reduction $40.00
Concerto for Harpsichord and Eight Wind Instruments |
Duration: 17 minutes |
2-1-1(Bcl)-2 | 1-0-0-0 |
Study score $60.00 order |
Concerto for Viola and Orchestra |
Duration: 27 minutes |
Commissioned by the Esprit Orchestra 2-2-2-2/2-2-2-0/
hp, perc, str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Viola solo $30.00 order |
The Darkly Splendid Earth: The Lonely Traveller
Duration: 20 minutes |
Commissioned by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Solo violin, 3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/hp, perc,
str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Solo violin $30.00 order
Dream Rainbow Dream Thunder |
Duration: 12 minutes |
Commissioned by the National Youth Orchestra of Canada 3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno
(celesta), hp, perc, str. |
Study score $60.00 order
Dream(e)scape |
Duration: 19 minutes |
Commissioned by the National Arts Centre Orchestra
2-2-2-2/2-2-2-1/perc, str. |
Score $60.00 order |
The Falcon's Trumpet |
Duration: 25 minutes |
Commissioned by the Esprit Orchestra
Solo trumpet, Solo soprano (optional) 2-2-2-2/2-2-0-0/perc,
str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Trumpet solo $30.00 order |
Figures in the Night...Passing |
Score $60.00 |
2-2-2-2/2-2-2-0/perc, str. |
Four-Forty for String Quartet and Orchestra |
Duration: 29 minutes |
Commissioned by Music Canada 2000 and Festival Vancouver
String Quartet, 2-2-2-2/2-2-1-0/hp, perc,
str. |
Score $80.00 order
Quartet parts each $30.00 order |
The Garden of the Heart
for mezzo-soprano and orchestra |
Duration: 24 minutes |
Commissioned by the National Arts Centre Orchestra of Canada
3-2-2-2/4-2-1-1/ perc (2), str. |
Study score $40.00 order
Gitanjali for soprano and orchestra |
Duration: 23 minutes |
Commissioned by the National Arts Centre Orchestra of Canada
2-2-2-2/2-2-0-0/ perc, str. |
Study score $80.00
order |
In Memoriam Alberto Guerrero |
Duration: 7 minutes |
String orchestra |
Study score $25.00 order |
Ko wo kiku (Listen to the Incense) |
Duration: 30 minutes |
Commissioned by the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra 3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno
(celesta), hp, perc, str. |
Study score $80.00 order
Letters from Mignon |
Duration 28 minutes |
for mezzosoprano and orchestra
pno, hp, perc, str. |
Study score $80.00 order |
Manitou |
Duration: 23 minutes |
Commissioned by Suntory Hall, Tokyo 3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno
(celesta), hp, perc, str. |
Study score $80.00 order |
for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (Arrangement of the original songs
for voice and woodwind quintet.) |
Duration: 30 minutes |
3-3-3-2/4-2-2-0/ hp, perc, str. |
Study score $80.00 order |
Musique pour le parc Lafontaine |
Duration: 25 minutes |
Four itinerant concert bands |
Study score $80.00 order |
No Longer than Ten (10) Minutes |
Duration: 10 (?) minutes |
Commissioned by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra
3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/ perc, str. |
Score $40.00 order
Partita for String Orchestra |
Study score $30.00 order |
Scorpius |
Duration: 9 minutes |
Commissioned by the Esprit Orchestra 2-2-2-2/2-2-2-0/pno,
perc, str. |
Study score $60.00 order
Commissioned by Michael and Sonja Koerner
For five solo percussionists and orchestra |
Duration: 25 minutes |
3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/ str. |
Study Score $80.00 order
Spirits of the House
Commissioned by Michael and Sonja Koerner
For orchestra and off-stage choral groups |
Duration: 15 minutes |
3-2-2-3/4-2-2-1/pno, perc, str. |
Study Score $60.00 |
Statement in Blue
for beginner's orchestra strings and winds |
Duration: 5 minutes |
Score $10.00 order
Symphony No 1 in C minor
Commissioned by The Toronto Symphony Orchestra |
Duration: 35 minutes |
3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno, hp, perc, str. |
Study Score $80.00 order |
Cantata for 5 child narrators, chorus (SATB) orchestra and electronic sounds |
Duration: 18 minutes |
4-3-3-3/4-4-3-1/pno, hp, perc, str. |
Score $30.00 order
for beginner's orchestra strings and percussion |
Duration: 5 minutes |
Score $10.00 order
Thunder/Perfect Mind |
Duration: 12 minutes |
for mezzosoprano and orchestra
2-2-2-2/2-2-2-0/ pno, perc, str. |
Study score $50.00 |
Untitled Composition for Orchestra No. 1 |
Duration: 4 minutes |
1-1-1-1/1-1-1-0/cel, str. |
Study score $25.00 order |
Untitled Composition for Orchestra No. 2 |
Duration: 3'15" |
3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno (celesta), hp, perc,
str. |
Study score $25.00 order |
Wolf Returns
3 -3 -2 -2 / 2 -2 -2 -1 / pno, perc, str. |
Score $80.00 |
The following works are published by
Universal Edition (London and Vienna) |
North White
Son of Heldenleben
Adieu Robert Schumann
Hymn to Night
They may be obtained from:
Universal Edition
Alfred A. Kalmus Ltd.
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Arcana Editions
227 1st Line Douro
RR2 Douro-Dummer, Ontario
KOL 2B0, Canada
Telephone: 705-652-9292
Email: orders @ arcanaeditions.ca
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