Patria Music/Theatre Projects
Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve Ltd.
by R. Murray Schafer

The Fleck Family Foundation wishes to dedicate all 8 performances in memory of
Alexandra Maria Koerner Yeo

August 24 - 28 and August 31- September 2, 2005


Children's Book




Story and Pictures

Credits & Sponsors


Patria Music/Theatre Projects
 401 Richmond Street West
Box 392
Toronto, Ontario  M5V 3A8


Accuweather Forecast for Haliburton
Bring warm clothing; overnight low 12 going down to 8 on Saturday

In the event a show is cancelled, it will be rescheduled for Saturday September 3rd.  Check this page for cancellation notices.

We regret that the August 27 show had to be cancelled after the 5th act.
It has been rescheduled for Saturday September 3rd

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This August, in a wilderness forest surrounding a pristine lake in the Haliburton Highlands, a spectacle of magic and enchantment will unfold to the accompaniment of music and song. The sounds of nature will be augmented by the music of acclaimed composer R. Murray Schafer as a group of superb singers actors dancers and instrumentalists tell a story of transformation and wonder.

Join a chorus of children in their quest and meet the strange inhabitants of The Enchanted Forest. Make the journey to the Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve and participate in a work of theatre unlike anything you have ever experienced.

R. Murray Schafer
A unique and distinctive Canadian voice, with the innovative and creative musical strength to sensitize us to our environment.  His imagination will sustain us forever via the great composition he has written The Patria Cycle that explores man, mythology and ritual in nature.  The Enchanted Forest issues a call to protect our trees, seek the living spirit of Ariane or others that inhabit this performance space.  Our lives will be enriched after this evening’s performance.  Cherish what we have and those we love.  Let us join hands.

The Patria Cycle
(Latin for “homeland”) is composer R. Murray Schafer’s life’s work; a cycle of twelve related music dramas created and performed over the last thirty years.  Each play in the cycle has a common theme – the search of two lovers for one another through the many labyrinths of life on Earth.  Though many of the same characters reappear in different sections, the scale of the cycle is vast, unfolding across many cultures and drawing extensively from numerous world mythologies.  Many of these works are conceived for performance in unusual environments: on the surface of a lake, deep in the forest or even in a deserted mine.  Some begin at dawn, sunset or midnight and some last for as long as a week.   In these remarkable works, the arts court one another: theatre meets ritual, mythology fuses with art, and the line between performer and audience blurs.  These masterworks inevitably leave an indelible impression on the spectator/participant and repeat “pilgrimages” to see Schafer’s works, however remotely or inconveniently situated, are not uncommon.